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Logistic & transportation blog

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From time to time we like to share our knowledge and know how.


Founder of Euro Team GB Spedition

International freight transport services

This blog was created by Octavian Blajan, the CEO of Euro Team GB Spedition SRL, with the intention of providing the audience with relevant information, opinions, and analyses related to transportation and logistics.

How can you double your turnover year after year?

Discover the inspirational story of entrepreneur Octavian Blajan and how he managed to double his turnover year after year. In a captivating presentation, Octavian Blajan will unveil step-by-step the strategies and actions he implemented to achieve success. Learn directly from him how he optimized operations, attracted new clients, and recorded significant financial growth.


TransportLogistic Munich 2023 Event

We were thrilled to participate in the Transport Logistic event in Munich, being part of a community of professionals with similar interests! The interactions with fellow participants regarding best practices, cutting-edge technologies, and innovations in the field of transportation and logistics have laid the foundation for the next stages of ETS’s development.

ERP software, toxic profits that hinder growth, and recruiting managers you can’t control (with Octavian Blajan)

In this episode, I have as a guest Octavian Blăjan, an entrepreneur in the transportation industry. Octavian is the founder of EuroTeamGB Spedition, a transportation company with 35 employees that recorded a turnover of 3 million euros last year. This year, they are on track to double that figure, considering that already […]

Company info


VAT CODE: RO34262723 /no. J01/236/2015

D-U-N-S® Nummer: 534089165

Headquarter on Str. Ion Creanga, nr.9 Sebeș, Romania

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